Guidelines for LAGs (Liquids, Aerosols, and Gels)
Conditions to carry liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGs) on board an aircraft (reference: announcement of Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand on Criteria for screening liquids, aerosols, and gels that will be carried into the aircraft cabin or into the restricted area of public airport, 2019).
Information on liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGS)
LAGs include, but are not limited to, the following items: water and other drinks, soups, syrups, jams, stews, sauces and pastes; foods in sauces or containing a high liquid content; creams, lotions, cosmetics and oils; perfumes; sprays; gels, including hair and shower gels; contents of pressurized containers, including shaving foam, other foam and deodorants; pastes, including toothpaste; liquid-solid mixtures; mascara; lip gloss or lip balm; and any other item of similar consistency at room temperature.
1. Volume allowed to be carried into the aircraft cabin:
1.1 LAGs must be in the containers that can be closed tightly (no leakage) and the size of each LAGs container must not exceed 100 ml (or 100 grams or 3.4 oz). On the LAGs containers must have a message specifying the volume of the containers. 1 passenger can carry more than 1 container, but the total of LAGs volume must not exceed 1000 ml (1 liter) per passenger.
1.2 Empty containers with the capacity not exceeding 100 ml (no LAGs inside) can be carried into the aircraft cabin.
2. Exemptions
LAGs with volume exemptions as per Section 1.1 may be carried in quantities appropriate to the duration of each flight. At the security screening point, passengers must show the LAGs to the screener to inspect.
2.1 Medications with a medical certificate, label, or accompanying document that specify the passenger’s name, or household remedy listed on the announcement of Ministry of Public Health.
2.2 Baby food including formula and milk for infants.
2.3 Food that must be carried for medical or nutritional purposes.
3. Duty Free
3.1 LAGs purchased from Duty Free shop at an airport or onboard must be in a sealed Security Tampered-Evident Bags (STEBs), no trace of opening the bag after purchase, and there must be the evidence that the item is purchased on the date of departure. As for transfer passengers or transit passengers, the STEBs and the evidence will be inspected by the screener at the security screening point.
3.2 In case of transit or transfer passengers, the passengers must find out information with duty free shops concerning practices in LAGs of the destination airports and every airport the passengers are going to transit or transfer.
4. Important reminders for the convenience of passengers before entering the security screening point.
4.1 Passengers should place all LAGs containers (not exceed 100ml per container) in a transparent re-sealable plastic bag with a capacity of no more than 1 liter (the suggested bag size is 20cm. x 20cm.) and seal the bag. 1 passenger will be allowed to have 1 bag.
4.2 Passengers should prepare themselves before entering security screening point by separating containers or a transparent re-sealable plastic bag containing LAGs from other belongings and have them inspected by screener.
4.3 For LAGs that passenger carry as carry-on baggage or purchased from outside stores or stores inside airport that not allowed to be carried into the aircraft cabin are the followings.
4.3.1 LAGs container with the capacity exceeding 100ml.
4.3.2 LAGs container that has no message specifying the capacity.
4.3.3 Containers with the capacity over 100ml, even though the LAGs inside may be less than 100ml.
4.3.4 Local food with liquid content over 100ml, passengers are advised to place them in hold baggage.